May 21
We headed out for Nebaj, a small traditional town, for their market day. it took 40 minutes from Uspitan and we spent about an hour there checking out the great clothing and jamb packed market. This town was very conservative and not very happy to see visitors. I have read that travelers have had trouble here in the past when taking pictures. Guatemalans are pretty superstitious of their spirit being taken and their children being taken. So you have to watch yourself.
The town was nothing special but the market was nice. People seemed especially short here and Steve was pretty much doubled over to walk under the tarp ceilings.
The rest of the day was just beautiful. The road and mountains were just beautiful. Valleys and rivers, landslides creeping in on the road, green. It was great!
Huehue is a big city. There was a bus driver assassinated the day before we arrived and there was a revolt on the police station (for inaction with the drug problem..?) which was set on fire. We saw the aftermath. Glad to see activism in action.
The revolt on the police station was actually because the police had taken custody of the supposed murderer of the bus driver. The people felt that the police wouldn't do anything to bring the murderer to justice and were demanding that they hand him over so they could hang him.