May 17. 176 miles.
We decided to take a longer route to the west. We headed to Esperanza, the highest town in Honduras. the road was great. paved, curvey, high and cool.
We were in Esperanza on market day and it was pretty busy. we left our jackets and tank bag at a hotel to walk around and eat lunch and we were on our way. unfortunately for the area of strongest indigenous culture, there was really no traditional dress. Some headscarves, but i would hardly call that a head dress as it had been described in the lonely planet.
The road out from there was bumpy and rocky to San Miguelito, then it was pavement again with nice views. it was cool still and many of the houses had wooden graneries, the first we have seen.
We got to Gracias way earlier than we expected so continued on to Santa Rosa for the night. It was bigger than we expected and had a well kept colonial center.
We eventually found a hotel in our budget, but not too far be low our comfort zone. unfortunatly, i over looked that we were at road level and on the street. boy was it loud! and with an incesant dog next door.
there are just so many hotel things to take into account. overall cleanliness, if there are sheets and pillow cases and if they are clean (because sometimes...), how the bathroom looks, if the toilet works, if the fan works, do the windows open, is there a dog barking yet.... you cant always figure all of this out before you move in. finding hotels is the most tireing part of the trip for me, because it falls under my responsiblities and i sick of it right now. some are just awful. our hotel budget is getting pushed to its max because of the undiscussed bed bug incident and some other uncomfortable nights.
luckily food is cheap.
we met some nice guys (american students)in Santa rosa and had dinner with them. always fun to meet new people.
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