138 miles, with 102 of dirt.
We continued south on the same Camino del Muerte and turned off to take the gravel road to San francisco de la Paz to the east. the road was good with a couple bigger river crossings. There is a gas station in Silca and on the road when you turn out of San Fran. The road from Catacamas to Culmi was mostly under constrution.
Culmi had a nice plaza and two bad hotels and a few meager restaurants. We were there to try to cross into Nicaragua over the river Wampu and River Patuca, to the Rio Coco and then by better road to Leimus. According to our map this was the only choice for roads (not boats) into the mosquito.
The dotted road on our map shows that it goes through a biological reserve. We thought this would be a beautiful jungle road.
so we headed out the next morning, Thursday.
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